Monday, January 19, 2009

Khamis lepas, aku dikehendaki menjaga those students that are qualified to be in the final for scrabble competition.the game started late around 3pm as i have 3 classes since morning.i was quite delighted to see all of the finalist and i've been assisted by 3 committee members from the SRC.Majority of them were my ex students. so i feel comfortable working with them

looks like kak busyra is helping one of the student. Hassan says "oh no miss!"

Sham was not satisfy with the the best way is to look up at the dict.(tak main tipu punya)tgk tu kak wee..sangat konsentrett

kak busyra sedang mencipta pkataan baru

wah2..sempat lagi korang posing smbil bmain hekk

ada org jeling2 kamera lah

sengih je ye

go reza go

pening zizan nak saing reza

walaupon mai lambat,tp hanif (jgn tktau,penasyid tkenal kt kuin ni) ngan akal ttp bersaing.bagus2


MaszLaVista said...

aku pon suke main bende nih!