Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I've been Tagged!~

This is from Kak Mixxy

Ok, here's what I have to say about breast cancer. Man or woman (especially woman), please watch what you eat. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use the same cooking oil twice (yes, not even twice, ok?) Now, don't think about "Oh, it was such a waste, I only use it once". Hey, would you rather have a healthy breast/heart, or you rather suffer with those cancer?"

And say NO to chicken's skin. Each time I prepare food for my family, I would make sure that there's no chicken skin at all. And eat lots and lots of fruits, drink more water (don't drink too many water at night) and avoid fried food.OK, there goes. That's what I have to say about breast cancer.

there's no one that i want to tag.just an info to all of you...
girls.be careful of what you eat.


DA1882 said...

akku sgt ske makan kulit ayam.. canne niiiii...

Flaren's World said...

kurangkan makan..pas ni jgn makan dh

DA1882 said...

hmm.. tadi makan gak nasik lemak ayam. dengan berat hati akku menyisihkan kulit ayam itu... huhuhuh

Flaren's World said...

haa bagos2..lagi satu jgn lupa kalau ko mkn kepsi hot and spicy..mesti ingat ni tau